Power amplifiers

In the cases of immunity tests, the amplifier is a crucial part of the test set-up. One of the arguments an amplifier is selected upon, is the required output power it needs to deliver. Most suppliers will simply sell you the maximum output power. We specify the more objective maximum linear output power. This is the output power without the addition of distortion of the signals when being kept beneath the 1 [dB] compression point.

We offer a wide range of amplifiers. These can be high power, medium power or low power and operate very wideband, wideband, or in a narrowband around a certain frequency. Our amplifiers have found their way into EMC/EMI and radio laboratories, commercial applications and many (airborne/naval) military EW and ECM applications worldwide.

Solid state

Our versatile “solid state” amplifiers comprehend high-grade technology, both in the amplifiers as well as the production methods. This includes the use of GaN (Gallium Nitride) amplifier technology. The amplifiers have been designed for laboratory tests under worst-case mismatch conditions and can be supplied for both indoor and outdoor applications.

In the frequency range of 10 [kHz] – 18 [GHz] the product is available with maximum output power of 5 [W] – 4 [kW]. Compact modules are available as well up to 300 [W].

Travelling wave tube

The “travelingwave tube” (TWT) is a special electron tube which is being used to provide more power to high frequency signals. This tube is applied in a “travelingwave tube amplifier” (TWTA). Our manufacturer started building TWT’s and TWTA’s already in 1953 and provides the most extensive line of test- and measurement amplifiers on the market today.

Our TWT amplifiers are being offered as narrowband or wideband laboratory units or as a part of a EMC/EMI/EW test set-up or in a simulator or communication system.

In the frequency range of 0.8 – 18 [GHz] the amplifiers are available with maximum output power of 10 – 2000 [W].

In het frequentiebereik van 0,8 – 18 [GHz] zijn de producten verkrijgbaar voor vermogens van 10 tot 2000 [W].

Gritted pulse / CW travelling wave tube

Our “gritted pulse / CW travelingwave tube” amplifiers are equipped with a separate TTL trigger input. The amplifier comprises a special modulator. This modulator is functioning at the cathode voltage making it possible to switch the tube on and off extremely fast. In the “off” period only extremely low noise is present. This system allows for duty cycles of 0 – 100 [%].

In the frequency range of 1 – 18 [GHz] the amplifiers are available with maximum output power of 0.1 – 2 [kW].

Pulse travelling wave tube

Our “pulse travelingwave tube” amplifiers are equipped with a separate TTL trigger input. The amplifier comprises a special modulator. This modulator is functioning at the cathode voltage making it possible to switch the tube on and off very fast. The cathode voltage is higher than normal due to which a very high power can be reached within a pulse duration. For this reason these special amplifiers can operate with a maximum duty-cycle of 6 [%]. In the “off” period only very low noise is present.

In the frequency range of 1 – 18 [GHz] the amplifiers are available with maximum output power within the pulse of 1 – 8 [kW].

Millimeter travelling wave tube

Our reliable line of “millimeter wave travelingwave tube” amplifiers offer more power and bandwidth combinations than any others. For today’s stringent EMI test application we can provide you with the appropriate power levels and frequency bands. Our millimeter TWT’s are available in commercial grades and military classification.

In the frequency range of 18 – 45 [GHz] the amplifiers are available with maximum output power of 10 – 400 [W].

Gritted pulse / CW millimeter travelling wave tube

Our “gritted pulse / CW millimeter travelingwave tube” amplifiers are equipped with a separate TTL trigger input. The amplifier comprises a special modulator. This modulator is functioning at the cathode voltage making it possible to switch the tube on and off extremely fast. In the “off” period only extremely low noise is present. This system allows for duty cycles of 0 – 100 [%].

In the frequency range of 18 – 40 [GHz] amplifiers are available with maximum output power of 10 – 400 [W].